Monday, February 06, 2006


I think I really need to figure out my clock. My clock has two alarms, so I don't use a snooze like my wife. However, today only one of them went off, so I missed going to the gym. I'm not sure what happened, but it discombobulated me enough that I forgot to weigh in this morning. Looks like I'll do that tomorrow.

Diet Update

Breakfast :
Food Category: Servings
South Beach bar Grains: 2
8 oz light yogurt Dairy: 1
Tangelo Fruit: 1
40 oz water n/a
20 oz coffee n/a

Lunch :
Food Category: Servings
Chicken soup (4 oz chicken, 9 oz veggies, 2 c chicken broth) Protein: 4
Veggies: 3
2 slices toast w/ 1 tbsp butter Grains: 2
Fats: 1
24 oz water n/a

Afternoon Snack :
Food Category: Servings
3 oz carrots Veggies: 1

Dinner :
Food Category: Servings
1 turkey brat (~3 oz) w/ mustard Protein: 3
2/3 c Lipton Rice Sides, Chicken Grains: 2
4 oz applesauce Fruits: 1
24 oz water n/a

Evening Snack :
Food Category: Servings
3 os carrots Veggies: 1
12 oz water n/a

Totals for :
Category Servings
Grains 6
Veggies 5
Fruits 2
Protein 7
Dairy 1
Fats 1
Extra 0

Exercise for :
Type Duration/Sets
Strength none
Aerobic none

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have a clock with two alarms and don't use snooze either. Every so often I'll either turn one alarm off and not realize or it just won't go off even though it's set.

I do snooze with it though. Becuase most snooze buttons only go for 7 minutes, I manually change the alarm times by 10 minutes whenever I want that extra bit of sleep.