Sunday, February 05, 2006

Commercial Commentary

Missed the first several commercials (OK, I didn't miss so much as I hadn't thought to document my thoughts on the them til now). But, here are my thoughts on the commercials as I'm watching them.

Hey, I have a blog, I have a divine right to post whatever drivel I want :)

Burger King - ~6:30

Sweet mother of pearl! These things keep getting freakier every time they produce another one. I'm not going to BK any time soon...

Sierra Mist - ~6:40

Sheesh. Looks like no Sierra Mist, either.

Bud Light - ~6:40 (The Magic Fridge)

I had thought I had seen this commercial before, then came the "Magic Fridge" bit, which was quite amusing.

Toyota - ~6:45

Blah. Not insipid, just not terribly inspiring.

FedEx - ~6:45

Funny! First one I laughed out loud.

Bud Light - ~6:45 (Hikers and the Bear)

Eh, not as good as the Magic Fridge.

V for Vendetta - ~6:50

Natalie Portman looks odd without hair.

Diet Pepsi - 6:50 (Diddy)

I am so not the target demographic...

Aleve - ~7:00

Leonard Nimoy. My, how you've fallen...

Ameriquest - ~7:00

THAT was funny! Yeah, you could see that coming a mile away, but I still laughed out loud.

Bud Light - ~7:00 (Cleaning the Gutters)

Eh. Nothing more to say than that, I suppose...

Diet Pepsi - ~7:05 (Jackie Chan)

First one for the night that I've seen before.

Cars - ~7:05

Trying not to get my hopes up. Very much looking forward to it...

SBC - ~7:05

Another one I've seen before. Shameful.

Budweiser - ~7:10 (Streaker)

Crappy beer, funny commercials. What's the deal?

Mobile ESPN - ~7:10

Not my cup of chicken broth. - ~7:15 (Declining Profits)

Yeah, their service didn't do much for me when I was looking for a job, either. Dunno why I'd expect more from their commercials.

Cadillac Escalade - ~7:15

Nope. Didn't do it for me

M:I:3 - ~7:20

Yeah, I'll probably see it. I'm a sucker for explosions.

Dove Self Esteem Fund ( - ~7:20

I'll have to defer to my wife for commentary on this one. I'm not exactly the target of that ad.

Disney's The Shaggy Dog - ~7:25

Kill me now.

Ford Escape Hybrid - ~7:25

I'm a sucker for Kermit. What's not to like? Oh, yeah. The vehicle.

Michelob Ultra Amber - ~7:25

My favorite of the beer commercials so far. - ~7:35

Why? Really, just plain why?

Poseidon - ~7:40

Dunno. It didn't convince me that I absolutely have to see it.

Gillette Fusion - ~7:40

Why waste this much money on a commercial you've already shown? And anyway, does anyone really need five blades on their razor? - ~7:40

Again, I'm not exactly the target market here.

Disneyworld - ~7:45

What? They've been showing this one for a year or two...

Sprint - ~7:55

That's just plain bad.

Nationwide - ~7:55 (Proposal)

I've enjoyed the "Life Comes At You Fast" series. Not as good as some of the other ones, but pretty good, nonetheless.

Disneyworld - ~8:25 (Players Practice Their Lines)

I missed this one earlier. It's better than the other Disneyworld one. Not saying much...

Ameriquest - ~8:30 (Turbulence)

Another funny one from Ameriquest. Unfortunately, it also doesn't have anything to do with their product(s).

Motorola Pebl - ~8:30

No. Just no.

Sharpie - ~8:30

Nothing special.

Budweiser - ~8:40 (Colt and the Wagon)

Amy says it has cuteness factor.

Nationwide - ~8:40 (Fabio Shampoo)

I think I'd seen that one before, I but I love the series. Again, nothing to do with products or services, but funny nonetheless.

NFL Mobile - ~8:40

Kind a witty. Kinda...

Hummer - ~8:50 (Love Is Strange)

Different, kinda clever. Nothing to do with Hummers, though.

PS - ~8:40

Hmmm.... no. - 8:55 (Monkeys and Jackasses)

Not at all good.

Taco Bell - ~8:55

Does anyone know if those things are any good? The commercial sure isn't.

Slimfast Optima - ~8:55

I'll stick with my current plan, thank you...

Gillette Fusion - ~9:00

Repeat. Boring...

The World's Fastest Indian - ~9:00

You know, I like Anthony Hopkins. Might be worth watching, just because of him.

Toyota Tacoma - ~9:00

You can't be serious...

Sprint - ~9:15

Another very dumb commercial from Sprint.

Arbys - ~9:15 (Fishnet Stockings)

Not exactly what I would have been thinking if Amy was wearing fishnets :)

Ford Trucks - ~9:15

Well, if I wanted a Ford truck, I would at least know what one looks like.

Hometown Buffet -

They just wasted $2.5 million on an old commercial. Too bad...

Degree Deodorant - ~9:20

Not really terribly interesting, though I know what the product is. I guess that's something..

Emerald Nuts - ~9:20

What the hell was that?!

Fidelity Investments - ~9:20

Another older commercial for $2.5 million.

Budweiser - ~9:30 (Stadium Pours a Beer)

Interesting commercial. Crappy beer.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - ~9:30

Yeah, I'll see this one, too.

MasterCard - ~9:30

Go MacGuyver! Glad you lost he mullet. SG1 has been good for you :)

Mobile ESPN - ~9:35

Shorter version of the earlier ad.

Honda Ridgeline - ~9:35

Didn't do anything for me.

The Beer Institute ( ~9:35 (Cheers in Many Languages)

OK. People like drinking beer, and are very polite about it. Not usually here in the States, but I can get behind that.

World Baseball Classic - ~9:40

Yeah, I'll probably catch it if I can. - ~9:40


Nationwide - ~9:40 (Swing)

Another in the "Life Comes At You Fast" series. Not my favorite.

Running Scared - ~9:55

I think I'll pass.

Outback - ~9:55

Eh. Not really...

Westin Hotels - ~9:55

Nothing special here.

All in all, not a lot to write home about with respect to the commercials. Oh, well.

Oh, and congrats to all the Steelers fans that your team won that game thingy.

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