Wednesday, February 01, 2006

On the Nature of Categories and Servings

It occurs to me that you probably have no idea what those categories and servings are all about. Let me explain. McConnell has told me that I should follow a roughly 2000 calorie, well balanced diet. They've broken my diet into seven categories:

  • Grains: Pasta, bread, potato, rice, winter squash, corn, etc. Basically, things that are starchy, including starchy veggies.

  • Veggies: Lettuce, carrots, summer squash, tomatoes, etc. Basically any veggie that isn't high in starch.
  • Fruits: I think you know what a fruit is.
  • Protein: Primarily meats and legumes. Eggs, too, except I don't eat eggs :P
  • Dairy: Milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
  • Fats: Fats by themselves (e.g. butter), fats from food (e.g. cheese soup), fats from food preparation (e.g. fried foods)
  • Extra: Anything that doesn't easily fit into the above categories.

They've asked me to have the following quantities of each category each day:

Category Servings
Grains 7
Veggies 5
Fruits 4
Protein 8
Dairy 3
Fats 4
Extra 1

They told me to eat as many veggies as I feel I can stomach, so I'm nearly always over 5, and I have some wiggle room with the others, they told me that with the exception of fats and extras, I can trade one or two of one category for another from time to time.

There you have the categories. "What is a serving?" you might well ask. Well, they gave me some rough guidelines:

  • Grains: 3 oz potato, 2 oz starchy veggie, 1/3 c pasta or rice
  • Veggies: 3 oz of whatever
  • Fruit: 3 oz of whatever
  • Protein: 1 oz of whatever
  • Dairy: 8 oz milk, 1 oz cheese
  • Fats: 1 tbsp butter or margarine, 1 tbsp non-low fat dressing
  • Extra: Use my best judgement

When I'm not sure if I've calculated my servings correctly, I ask my dietician.

Oh, and the dieticians told me to up my food intake at one point when I was losing weight too fast. My weight loss has slowed quite a bit, so I think I'm on the right track.

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