Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Back to the Gym

Well, the alarm did it's thing this morning, and I got going without incident. My knee has been twinging lately, so I took it easy-ish, and cut off my treadmill work a little short.

Check-in with McConnell tomorrow...

Diet Update

Breakfast 2/7:
Food Category: Servings
South Beach bar Grains: 2
8 oz light yogurt Dairy: 1
Tangelo Fruit: 1
60 oz water n/a
20 oz coffee n/a

I had 14 oz tea between meals.

Lunch 2/7:
Food Category: Servings
Roast beast (3 oz) and colby jack (1 oz) on white w/ mustard Protein: 3
Dairy: 1
Grains: 2
6 oz salad w/o dressing Veggies: 2
3 oz carrots Veggies: 1
Apple Fruit: 1
32 oz water n/a

Afternoon Snack 2/7:
Food Category: Servings
3 oz carrots Veggies: 1
20 oz coffee n/a

Dinner 2/7:
Food Category: Servings
Sausage & cheese ravioli (15) w/ tomato sauce Grains: 2
Protein: 2
Dairy: 1
Veggies: 1
8 oz salad w/o dressing Veggies: 2
1 slice garlic bread Grains: 1
Fats: 1
24 oz water n/a

Totals for 2/7:
Category Servings
Grains 7
Veggies 7
Fruits 2
Protein 5
Dairy 3
Fats 1
Extra 0

Exercise for 2/7:
Type Duration/Sets
Strength none
Aerobic Recumbent bike: 30 min
Treadmill: 20 min

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