Sunday, October 01, 2006

Caching and Chinese

Beautiful day out today, so we decided to take advantage of it.

In other news, I've complained before about the paucity of decent Chinese restaurants in our area. There's Sunflower, but that's way over on the other side of the loop. Well, today, Amelia, Xabu, Piglet and I found a place nearby called Asian Buffet, and it was pretty darned good. We'll have to go back again soon...

Diet Update

Breakfast 10/1:
Food Category: Servings
Potato flip Grains: 3
Dairy: 1
Fats: 1
Morningstar Farms "bacon" Protein: 4
Banana Fruit: 1

Lunch 10/1 (Asian Buffet):
Food Category: Servings
The Buffet Protein: 4
Fats: 2
Grains: 2
Veggies: 2
Fruits: 1

Dinner 10/1:
Food Category: Servings
Blueberry-peach smoothie from Camille's Fruits: 2
Extra: 1
15 oz salad w/ 1 oz mozz and Italian dressing Veggies: 5
Dairy: 1
Fats: 1

Totals for 10/1:
Category Servings
Grains 6
Veggies 7
Fruits 4
Protein 8
Dairy 2
Fats 4
Extra 1

Exercise for 10/1:
Type Duration/Sets
Aerobic Geocaching, ~2.5 miles of walking

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