Tuesday, June 27, 2006

And Again...

Still gimpy, but feeling better. On the plus side, I'm getting to work much earlier.

Diet Update

Breakfast 6/27:
Food Category: Servings
South Beach bar Grains: 2
8 oz light yogurt Dairy: 1
Banana Fruit: 1
20 oz water n/a
16 oz coffee n/a

Morning Snack 6/27:
Food Category: Servings
Banana Fruit: 1
32 oz water n/a

Lunch 6/27:
Food Category: Servings
18 oz salad Veggies: 6
Apple & blueberries Fruit: 2
16 oz water n/a

Dinner 6/27:
Food Category: Servings
Turkey kielbasa (3 oz) w/ pepper & onions Protien: 3
Veggies: 2
Fats: 1
Lipton chicken rice side (1-1/3 c) Grains: 4
Chocolate pudding Extra: 1
12 oz water n/a

Totals for 6/27:
Category Servings
Grains 6
Veggies 8
Fruits 4
Protein 3
Dairy 1
Fats 1
Extra 1

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