Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Binge Eating - Tom Style

I'm a stress eater. I think I've always been one. Probably part of the reason why I weighed as much as I did just six months ago. Well, lately, I've been feeling a whole lot of stress from my job situation. I'm starting to think that I'd have been better off if things had turned out differently. Anyway, since last Thursday, I've wanted to do nothing except eat. I'd done pretty well until today. Today, I just couldn't go any longer, and I decided to binge. However, being that it was lunch, I decided that I could binge smart. Come to think of it, my binging doesn't look much different than a normal Wednesday lunch, except a little more than usual. I figured, since the dieticians told me I could eat all the veggies I could stomach, I'd put that to the test.

Diet Update

Breakfast 3/14:
Food Category: Servings
South Beach bar Grains: 2
8 oz light yogurt Dairy: 1
Banana Fruit: 1
62 oz water n/a
20 oz coffee n/a

Lunch 3/14:
Food Category: Servings
21 oz salad w/ cheese and italian dressing Veggies: 7
Dairy: 1
Fats: 2
32 oz water n/a

Afternoon Snack 3/14:
Food Category: Servings
Banana Fruits: 1
20 oz coffee n/a
32 oz water n/a

Dinner 3/14:
Food Category: Servings
2 slices pizza (left over from Sunday) Protein: 1
Dairy: 1
Veggies: 1
Grains: 2
8 oz salad w/o dressing Veggies: 3
4 oz celery Veggies: 1
12 oz water n/a

Evening Snack 3/14:
Food Category: Servings
Peanut butter sammich Grains: 2
Protein: 2
Fats: 1
12 oz water n/a

Totals for 3/14:
Category Servings
Grains 6
Veggies 12
Fruits 2
Protein 3
Dairy 3
Fats 2
Extra 0

Exercise for 3/14:
Type Duration/Sets
Strength Upper body & abs/back: 20 min
Aerobic Treadmill: 30 min
Recumbent bike: 30 min
Walkin' the neighborhood with my sweetie: 30 min


Anonymous said...

Hang in there... always ready to lend an ear if you need to vent. I owe you big time on that one.
Wanna walk tomorrow too?

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. I know that it will be hard, but look how far you've already come.

The only thing that can happen to you if eat too many veggies is that your skin will turn orange, then it will ooze yellow puss, then it will fall off in strips of rotting, putrid, nastiness. Oh wait that's what happens if you master... oops this is supposed to be a family blog.

Any way, keep a positive attitude, the stress will pass (at some point and maybe like a kidney stone, but lets hope not).

Hey I got a deal for you, I'll do the binge eating and being a couch potato, and you do the good eating and exercising.
