Friday, March 31, 2006


My friend, Piglet, says I'm supposed to entertain her with things I write in my blog. Sorry, Piglet, I got nothing...

Diet Update

Breakfast 3/31:
Food Category: Servings
South Beach bar Grains: 2
8 oz light yogurt Dairy: 1
Apple Fruit: 1
62 oz water n/a
20 oz coffee n/a

Lunch 3/31:
Food Category: Servings
Turkey (4 oz) and cheddar (1 oz) on ciabatta Protein: 4
Dairy: 1
Grains: 2
15 oz salad w/ bleu cheese Veggies: 5
Fats: 2
32 oz water n/a
20 oz coffee n/a

Afternoon Snack 3/31:
Food Category: Servings
9 oz salad w/o dressing Veggies: 3

Dinner 3/31 (Boston Market):
Food Category: Servings
Meat loaf and gravy Protein: 5
Fats: 1
Mashed po-ta-toes with gravy Grains: 2
Fats: 1
Caesar side salad w/o dressing Veggies: 1
Cornbread muffin Grains: 1
40 oz lemonade n/a

Totals for 3/31:
Category Servings
Grains 7
Veggies 9
Fruits 1
Protein 9
Dairy 2
Fats 4
Extra 0

Exercise for 3/31:
Type Duration/Sets
Strength Abs/back: 10 min
Aerobic Treadmill: 30 min
Recumbent bike: 15 min

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