Wednesday, September 20, 2006

No Damon's

Amy had to leave today, and I didn't feel up to Damon's on my own, so it turned into a "Tom's Good Food Stuff For Dinner" kinda night.

Diet Update

Breakfast 9/20:
Food Category: Servings
South Beach bar Grains: 2
8 oz light yogurt Dairy: 1
Apple Fruit: 1

Lunch 9/20 (CV Wrappers):
Food Category: Servings
Colorado chicken wrap Protein: 4
Dairy: 1
Fats: 1
Grains: 2
Veggie salad Veggies: 4
Apple Fruit: 1

Dinner 9/20:
Food Category: Servings
"Tom's Good Food Stuff For Dinner" Protein: 4
Veggies: 8
Fats: 1
Extra: 1

Evening Snack 9/20:
Food Category: Servings
Peanut butter sammich Grains: 2
Fats: 2
Protein: 2

Totals for 9/20:
Category Servings
Grains 6
Veggies 12
Fruits 2
Protein 10
Dairy 3
Fats 3
Extra 1

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