Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mom's B-day

Mom's birthday today, so I had a little cake. And cobbler. And ice cream. Well, just a little of each. Oh, and we went to the ball game. So, of course... well... you know...

Diet Update

Breakfast 9/2:
Food Category: Servings
Oats w/ dried fruit Grains: 2
Fruit: 1

Lunch 9/2:
Food Category: Servings
Creamy chicken sammich Protein: 3
Fats: 1
Grains: 2
Corn on the cob Grains: 1
Fats: 1
~9 oz salad Veggies: 3
Banana Fruit: 1

Afternoon Snack 9/2:
Food Category: Servings
6 oz salad Veggies: 2
3 oz carrots Veggies: 1
Cake, ice cream and peach cobbler Extra: 3

Dinner 9/2:
Food Category: Servings
2 hot dogs Protein: 4
Grains: 2
~1/3 of a soft pretzel Grains: 1

Totals for 9/2:
Category Servings
Grains 8
Veggies 6
Fruits 2
Protein 7
Dairy 0
Fats 2
Extra 3

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