Monday, September 04, 2006

Caching Day

Fun day of Geocaching today. We certainly got our exercise!

Diet Update

Breakfast 9/4:
Food Category: Servings
Bagel w/ light cream cheese Grains: 2
Fats: 1

Lunch 9/4 (Old Bag o' Nails):
Food Category: Servings
Fish & chips Protein: 4
Fats: 2
Grains: 2
Large pub house salad w/ chunky bleu cheese on the side Veggies: 3
Fats: 1
Dairy: 1
Cole slaw Veggies: 1
Fats: 1

Afternoon Snack 9/4:
Food Category: Servings
Apple Fruit: 1

Dinner 9/4:
Food Category: Servings
Pizza from Papa John's Grains: 4
Protein: 2
Dairy: 2
Fats: 2

Evening Snack 9/4:
Food Category: Servings
Banana Fruits: 1

Totals for 9/4:
Category Servings
Grains 8
Veggies 4
Fruits 2
Protein 6
Dairy 3
Fats 7
Extra 0

Exercise for 9/4:
Type Duration/Sets
Aerobic Lots of Geocaching

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