Monday, October 31, 2005


Tomorrow is Amy and my second anniversary, and since I'm leaving for California tomorrow, we decided to go out for dinner tonight. We went to one of our favorite restaurants for Amy's birthday, tonight, we hit the other one. Now, I'll be the first to admit, that usually, when I go to BD's, I usually get carried away and waaaaaay overeat. Tonight, though, I think I did pretty well.

Got in my usual resistance training this morning, as well as 30 minutes on both the recumbent bike and treadmill.

Dunno when the next update will be. Probably not tomorrow, as I'll be travelling until about 11P PST. Hopefully I'll get something posted by Wednesday night.

Diet Update

Breakfast 10/31:

  • South Beach bar
  • 8 oz light yogurt
  • 1 banana
  • 16 oz milk
  • 8 oz water
  • 14 oz tea
  • 12 oz coffee

Lunch 10/31:

  • Ham (3 oz) and baby swiss (1 oz) on multigrain bread w/mustard
  • 6 oz salad w/~2 tbsp raspberry vinagrette
  • 3 oz mixed veggies
  • 1 apple
  • 32 oz water

Afternoon Snack 10/31:

  • 3 oz mixed veggies
  • 32 oz water

Dinner 10/31 (BD's Mongolian Barbecue):

  • ~5-6 oz beef
  • 3 small flour tortillas
  • ~10-12 oz salad w/bleu cheese dressing on the side
  • 20 oz water

And a 5.5 oz glass of CabSauv for a nightcap.


Anonymous said...

Most impressive bald one. Don't think I could do so well at BD's.

Bald Man Tom said...

It wasn't as hard as I thought. I really gorged myself on salad (the dietician said I could eat as much vegetation as I could stuff into myself), so it was easy to keep myself to one bowl of the good stuff. One thing I'm really learning (I'll have to post at some point) is where my boundaries are, which is very, very helpful.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 2 years!

Bald Man Tom said...

Thanks, Ken :)