Sunday, December 11, 2005

Facing Temptation

Saturday was cookie baking day. My mom and sister came down for an all-day cookie fest with Amy. So, I did the only sensible thing, considering all the temptation: I left. Yep, I left my wife with my own mother and sister. It's OK, they like her better than me, anyway.

Diet Update

Breakfast 12/10:
1/4 c (dry) pinhead oats w/ 1/3 c raisins
8 oz water
28 oz coffee

I had another cup of coffee before lunch.

Lunch 12/10:
Sloppy joe sammich
6 oz salad w/ ranch dressing
3 oz carrots
2 clementines
28 oz water

I had 20 oz coffee on my drive.

Dinner 12/10:
~12 oz mixed veggies
9 oz salad w/ 2 tbsp ranch dressing
2 slices pizza (1 carnivore special, 1 supreme, from Marco's)
48 oz coffee

I had a few glasses of wine before bed.

1 comment:

Bald Man Tom said...

Maybe, we'll have to discuss, methinks... :)