Friday, October 07, 2005

South Beach Bars

My apologies to any one who did a search for "South Beach" and ended up here. Please move along...

South Beach bars taste like ass. Well, not exactly like ass. Mine tasted like peanut-buttery, chocolaty ass. However, the dietician at McConnell assured me that they "taste good" and would make me feel more full than the more tasty but evidently less healthy chewy granola bar. Well, it did make me feel more full, I'll give her that much. Maybe the full-on chocolate bars won't taste as much like ass. I doubt it, though.

Mexican went over pretty well last night, with the exception that I got sort of carried away with the iced tea. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep after as much as I had, but within 10 minutes of going to bed, I was sawing logs.

Worked out again this morning. Did my resistance training, plus about 45 minutes of cardio stuff. I would have gone longer, but I forgot my water bottle, and I felt and dehydrated and didn't want to hurt myself by pushing. Incidently, it occurs to me that I haven't disclosed my resistance training. All exercises listed below are done in one set of 10 - 15 reps:

  • Leg Press
  • Leg Curl
  • Chest Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Lat Pull Down
  • Seated Row
  • Bicep Curl
  • Tricep Press
I'm not going to embarass myself by listing the weights I'm using. Suffice to say, I'm a girly man, at least right now.

Diet Update

Dinner 10/6
Chicken fajitas (about 6 oz meat, 1 oz veggies, 3 smallish fajita tortillas)
~ 1/3 cup Mexican rice
~ 1/3 cup refried beans with < 1 oz cheese as a garnish
10-15 tortilla chips
~ 2 tbsp guacamole
~ 60 oz iced tea (told you I drank a lot of iced tea)

Breakfast 10/7:
South Beach bar (peanut butter and chocolate flavor)
8 oz milk
20 oz water
8 oz light yogurt
1 apple

Incidently, updates will be sporadic. The wife and I are going on vacation. I'll have internet access from time to time, but not consistently.

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